How to Add Employees

Written by Parker VanderYacht
Updated 11 months ago

NOTE: Employees that have an enabled user login will add a $15/month charge to your subscription. These logins will not be discounted, refunded, or prorated if cancelled between monthly billing cycle. 

To add an employee, click team and then employees on the left menu. Once on the main employee screen, click "Add Employee."

Fill in the information for your employee:

Title: Such as Manager, Crew Worker, etc.

First Name: The Employee's First Name.

Last Name: The Employee's Last Name.

Birth Date: Their birthdate

Hire Date: The date they became an employee

Salary: How much the employee is paid per hour, day, week, month, year, etc.

Chemical Applicator's License: Their state chemical applicators license number

Email: Their email address.

Address Information: Country, address, city, state, zip, and phone numbers.

Notes: Any notes you want to add about the employee.

Employee Login Access: You can set a login email password here along with privileges for any information you want them to see, not see, be able to edit, etc.

Once you enter this information, click on the "Save Employee" button.

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