QuickBooks Sync Settings

Written by Steven
Updated 11 months ago

To get to your QuickBooks Sync settings, click the "gear" icon on the top right of the screen, then click "QuickBooks Sync."

If your plan does not include QuickBooks Sync and you have not signed up for you will see the option to do so.

Please note: QuickBooks Sync only works with the online version of QuickBooks.

If you have the same customers in Copilot and QuickBooks, it may lead to duplicate customers.

You will see the settings if you have already signed up for QuickBooks Sync.

If you haven't connected to your QuickBooks Account, click "Connect to QuickBooks" in the Settings under the QuickBooks Sync tab.

Next, you will choose what you want to sync from your QuickBooks account.

Sync Options

Auto-Sync Customers - If checked, customers are allowed to be auto-synced.

Only upload customers to QuickBooks if the company name does not yet exist in QuickBooks - If checked, only customers that do not have a customer with a matching company name in QuickBooks will be synced to QuickBooks.

Only upload customers to QuickBooks if customer email does not yet exist in QuickBooks - If checked, only customers that do not have an email yet in QuickBooks will be synced from Copilot.

Only download customers from QuickBooks if the company name does not yet exist in Copilot - If checked, only customers in QuickBooks that do not have a customer with a matching company name in Copilot will be synced to Copilot.

Only download customers from QuickBooks if customer email does not yet exist in Copilot - If checked, only customers in QuickBooks that do not have a customer with a matching email in Copilot will be synced to Copilot.

Auto-Sync Invoices - If checked, this allows invoices to be auto-synced.

Auto-Sync Payments - If checked, this allows payments to be auto-synced.


  1. Please DO NOT disconnect and reconnect QuickBooks, even to the same QuickBooks account. This can cause many issues that need to be fixed, such as duplicates in both accounts, missing information, and more.
  2. Canceling your QuickBooks subscription will NOT disconnect your QuickBooks account!
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