Price Matrix

Written by Parker VanderYacht
Updated 1 year ago

The Price Matrix is an advanced feature that allows for dynamic pricing on items based on fields that you choose (ex. the larger the square footage of a lawn, the higher the price of the job)

You can enable the Price Matrix by going to Settings > Preferences > Advanced Features

Once you have this feature enabled, you will now see the ability to create one when you create an Item & Service.

To see this, go to Resources > Items And Services > New Item with Rate Matrix

From here you can go to the Rate Matrix tab to create your matrix

Note: At the moment we can only pull data from custom fields. For example, if you wanted to pull lawn square footage for your matrix, you would have to create a custom field for properties and enter that data. Being able to pull from native fields will be added in a future update.

To add more dynamic prices, you can click the + Add Matrix button to add more lines.

For a great in-depth breakdown of our Price Matrix feature, click the banner below to watch this Copilot University video from Mike Callahan at SimpleGrowth!

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