Customer Source Report

Written by Steven
Updated 1 year ago

To get a report of your customer sources, go to the "Reports" Tab.

Click "Customer Source".

Select the Date Range you would like to be on the report.

This will show the customers you added during the date range chosen.

By default, it will show Current Year to Date.

Select the Customers you would like on the report.

By default, it will show All Customers (that were added in the date range selected.)

Select the Customer Source.

By default, it will show all Sources (for the customers and dates selected)

Once the report is generated, you can export an excel sheet or CSV file or print the report.

Here is how to add/edit a customer's source:

Go to the Customer Tab>Customers

Find and click on the customer you want to edit. 

Click the area besides "How the Customer Found Out About Us" and choose or add a new source.

This page saves automatically when you click outside of the field you updated.

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