Send Invoices by Email

Written by Steven
Updated 1 year ago

When sending an invoice via email, the email will contain a link to your invoice and also attach the invoice as a pdf  (unless you disable that option).

Your customers can click on the link in the email, see the invoice on the client portal, and pay online.

There are a few ways to send invoices via email -

Send from Invoice Itself

To send invoices via email from the invoice itself, go to the "Finance>Invoice" tab.

Locate the invoice you want to send and click the "magnifying glass" for that invoice.

Once on the invoice, click "Send By" and select email.

On this pop-up, you can enter the email address to send the invoice to, and

you can attach a PDF of the invoice, attach the notes for this invoice, or attach the images.

Send From Invoice List

To send invoices via email from the invoice list, go to the "Finance>Invoice" tab.

Select the box(es) next to the invoice(s) you want to send.

Click "Send By" and select "Email."

The final way to send an invoice is to send it from the "Email Tab."

 On the Email page, select the "Email Template" you would like to use.

Select the customer(s) you want to email by clicking the "+."

Next, make any additions or changes to the email.

You can select invoices, estimates, documents, or forms to send with the email.

You can select optional items such as attaching PDFs to the email.

When finished, you can preview or send the email.

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