To make a long story short, you should use Sequence Automation 99% of the time, instead of Legacy/Regular Automation. Here is a list of what Legacy Automation can do, that Sequence cannot.
- Legacy Automation can trigger an event at a specific date, such as a holiday.
- Legacy Automation has "Before" triggers, which can be useful in certain cases.
Although Sequence Automation cannot do these things, it can do everything else, and even more. Here are a few examples.
- Sequence automation can have "And" conditions and "Or" conditions which are very useful and can help make your automations more specific in their function.
- Sequence Automation can run multiple actions, like send 10 (or more) different emails or texts over the course of any amount of time, while only being triggered by 1 singular event.
- Sequence Automation has stop conditions and stop actions, to better control your automations.
- Sequence automations have more triggers and actions than Legacy automation does.
These are some, but not all of the benefits of using Sequence automation. As stated above, we highly recommend utilizing Sequence Automation for the majority of your automations, except in the specific scenarios where Legacy Automation has unique functionality.