Email a Document

Written by Steven
Updated 1 year ago

You can email a Document a couple of different ways.

The first way is from the "Marketing>Email" tabs.

You can select a template from the drop-down or type up your email.

Select the customer to whom you are sending this email.

To select the customer, click the "+" next to the customer.

Next, click Documents to view your documents.

To select one to add to the email, click the "+" button.

You will see a link for the document added to the email.

You can also click "Options- Click to Show" if you want to add the PDF of the document.

When you are done typing up the email, click the preview button to see what the email looks like.

If you are ready to send your email, click the "Send Email" button.

The second way to send a document via email is from the "Marketing>Documents" tabs.

Find the document you want to send and click the Envelope Icon at the top right hand side.

A pop-up will appear, and you will choose who you send it by clicking the "+" sign. You can send it to more than one person.

You can check the box if you want to send a PDF of the document with the email.

Click the "Send Email" button when ready to send the email.

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