Example of Setting Up a Zap

Written by Steven
Updated 1 year ago

Once your Zapier account is set up, you can set up a workflow.

You will first connect the two apps you want in the workflow.

In this example, I am connecting my copilot account to Google Sheets, and I want my Google Spreadsheet to be updated each time a new customer is added to my Copilot account.

You will then choose your Trigger.

I am choosing the "New Customer" trigger, which means "When a new customer is added in Copilot."

Next, you will choose the Action that will occur when the Trigger happens.

I selected "Create Spreadsheet Row(s)."

After you choose the Trigger and Action, you will click the "Try It" button.

You will then see a "Here's What's Coming Up" page that will explain the next steps.

Click "Get Started" to continue.

The next step is to log in to your Copilot account.

I am already logged in so that I can select my account. You will enter your Copilot email and password if you are not logged in. Then click "Next."

Then you will log in to the second app you chose. In this case, it's Google. Select a Google account listed or connect your account by clicking "Connect a New Account" Click the "Next" button when ready to move to the next step.

You will then select which fields you want Zapier to move from Copilot to your Google Sheet.

Click the "Next" button when you are ready to move to the next step.

Next, you will map the fields so Zapier knows which fields from Copilot go under which Columns on the spreadsheet. Click the "Next" button when you are ready to move to the next step.

It will then create a test for you to send.

Click the "Send Test" button.

You will see a success message at the top of the test that was sent successfully.

You can see here that the information was transferred from my Copilot account to my spreadsheet.

If you are happy with the workflow, you can now turn on your Zap so that it completes this workflow automatically.

You will see a confirmation page that your Zap is now on.

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