Create an Estimate

Written by Steven
Updated 11 months ago

 You can send estimates to your customers to let them know how much you will charge for your services once the job is completed.

Customers can then approve, decline, or ask for changes to your estimates.

To create an estimate, click "Finances> Estimates" tab.

Once on the estimates screen, click the "New Estimate" button.

On the New Estimate page, you have the option to name the estimate and will need to select which customer the estimate is for.

Start typing the item or service you want to add to the estimate in the Item or Service/Description section to your estimate and set the cost as well.

Click the "Add Line" button to add new line items to your estimate, set the item or service for each line item, and set the cost just as you did the first one.

Note: All line items on the estimate are optional. This means that the customer can pick and choose which services they would like to receive

You can also add a package to the estimate.

Once you add line items/packages, click the "Save Estimate" button.

After creating an estimate, you could send it to your customer by clicking the "Send" button and choosing if you'd like to send the estimate via Email, Regular Mail, or Text.

After your customer receives your estimate, you should be notified via email by push notification when your estimate is accepted or declined.

To check your notification settings, click the gear icon at the top right of the screen and "preferences."

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