Add an Expense

Written by Steven
Updated 1 year ago

To add an expense, click the "Finance" tab and then click "Expenses."

Next, click the "+ New Expense" button. You will have the option to add a new expense or import a . CSV file.

On this page, you will fill out the details of the expense.

First, select which category this expense falls under.

If you need to add a new category, use the "+" button.

Next, add a description of the expense, so you know what the expense is for.

Finally, you can add a P.O. # if applicable.

Choose the expense type- You can choose either a single expense or a recurring series of expenses.

In this example, I chose the advertising category for Facebook ads. Therefore, it will be a single expense that occurred on Feb 22, 2022.

If you were to choose a Recurring Series of Expenses, more options would appear so that you can enter the details of the recurring expense.

Next, you will enter the expense cost and the tax amounts. Then, finally, it will calculate the total for you.

You can enter the amount paid towards this expense or check the box to mark it as paid in full.

You can assign this expense to a customer, equipment, vendor/supplier, or employee.

If you choose Customer, you will have more options to choose from.

You can link this expense to the Customer's Property, an invoice, or an estimate.

Add any notes or images you want for this expense (such as receipts), and then click the "Add Expense" button.

If you tie this expense to a Customer's Property, you will see it listed with the Property it is linked to.

If you tied the expense to an invoice, it would be listed with the invoice number.

You will also see any expenses linked to an invoice when viewing the invoice.

The Customer will not be able to view this.

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